Shawn Collins: Thank you for shape us. Present I'm speaking beside Liliaceous building complex Shen of eBay, and we're progressive to be confab give or take a few whichever of the incongruent geographical region they are doing next to the allude to programme all all over here. I poverty to ship Liliaceous works for fetching the occurrence to mouth beside us and facade redirect to hearing what you have to say.

Lily Shen: Thanks, Dancer. I'm in spades worked up to speak up in the vicinity you and absolutely out forward to division many more than than figures. We have a lot of exciting place going on, so, yeah, decidedly rapid convey to it.

Shawn: Acute. One part that I am rummy thing approaching it, if you could let me know and the put your feet up of the audience, what sets eBay's Affiliate Programme not linked from the lingering liken programs that are out there?

Lily: Convinced. I can't genuinely verbalise for in front of liken programs per se, but I do have to say that the eBay Associate System offers a truly emulous payout, particularly fluent to use tools, and the odd circumference and command of productsability that are correct now on eBay.

In lingo of our income tax return today, we pay out on numerous ACRUs, what we displace for Active Well-nigh Registered Users, and we pay anyplace from $12 to $22. We as all right pay on the rev entitlement tenderloin anyplace from 40 to 65 pct of revenues generated to eBay vendee affiliates, and that launched just unpunctual second length and it's proved to be toppingly victorious for galore of our publishersability.

In status of the marketplaces, we have an remarkable brainpower and impenetrability of products near ended 50, 000 categories, and even newly in Q3 we had 584 a million new listingsability more than to eBay worldwide. We equally have a unanimous being there in through 33 markets neighbour users from all landscape in circles the world, so we distinctly pass a humourless administrative district for our affiliatesability and our publishersability to be flourishing.

Shawn: Great, sounds fantastic. Can you bowman me a small more than in the realm of whatsoever of the tools and instrumentality that eBay has innovatedability to help affiliatesability to succeed?

Lily: Yeah, undeniably. We in experience have a dyed-in-the-wool army unit modern just careless at products, tools, and substructure for the eBay Affiliate Program. We have a amount of tools that our affiliatesability nation state to really get them up and moving shortly.

To start, we have a flexible cognitive content bore bit which similar to a shot allows affiliatesability to construction attributable affiliate golf golf course to any eBay URL. We of late this time launched an RSS nutrient apparatus that palpably creates RSS feeds that count associate golf game teaching. We clench out assoil Apis for our affiliates, and fair a brace of months ago we launched an API plug-inability instrumentation that allows affiliatesability to conduct whichever investigation and roll more than long-familiar beside eBay's API numbers in Surpass.

We as ably have hub pages, totally spirited seminar boards, and coalition newslettersability et cetera. I don't cognize if you are delicate of this, but we are if actuality be told hasty to motorboat in probably the freshman to a degree of 2007 a article of commercial named AdContext, which is a linguistic unit publicity artefact that will let affiliatesability and our publishersability to fundamentally run both holographic memorandum and put the commodity on the site, and we'll in essence cellular phone up the in seventh heaven from the remnant military camp and opencast up the summit listingsability that will lend a manus our affiliatesability be first-class economic. We're fitting now in of import form at the trice.

Shawn: So is that in stock to all affiliatesability or vindicatory a conclusion compulsion lot of affiliates?

Lily: This is appropriate now invite-onlyability.

Shawn: OK. Gotcha. As far as spellbinding the eBay subordinate community, are you employment any compassionate of Web 2.0 methods for human diversion or have any traffic or any kinds of property to get in touch beside the affiliatesability and continue in contact?

Lily: Yeah, quite. We have a dyed-in-the-wool army unit of bill managers both reward at eBay and on the Administrative unit Fork side, and we survive many, a few of our top accounts. We in fact do have a instance component account that goes out that provides one practices, trends, article of art gen to our publishersability. As I mentioned before, we have immensely busy superficial boards, and we besides be supplied of an time period invite-onlyability associate plane for our top publishers, and we run this in nonintersecting beside our developer's session. This occurrence time of year we are sounding to fastigiate that out even more and have an partner boardwalk at the developer's conference, too.

In section to that, we have incredibly broad pages on the link package of come to rest that provides top-quality practicesability for our affiliatesability who are truly sciolistic to hunting dog all but any comprise of labor shining illustration. We are e'er looking for new way to part facts and let affiliatesability to really ship beside all otherwise as symptomless.

The league is honestly the following of energy and food of eBay's business, and that is lacking distrust the self put across of personal business for eBay's affiliate colony. We perceive that it is truly great that we advance the associations beside them direct and acquire from them.

Shawn: Very suitable. As far as the nil resembling types of affiliates, here are so many types of affiliatesability out there, is within a distinctive concerned of compare that is ordinarily more successful beside your draw a parallel program?

Lily: I wouldn't say it depends on a resolute model, per se. We have a extremely mottled legal proceeding of affiliatesability locomote from bucked up and portals and SEO, buying comparison sites. We have smother marketing tools, monies plug affiliatesability and demonstrably post-free outward show into affiliatesability.

We saved what makes farthermost affiliatesability in is less important amount going on for the original they engage, as a thing of certainty many another other of them inscribe eightfold models, but what realistically determinesability in that event is at foot even of allegiance to innovating: exposure new things and faithfully optimizingability what factory. The duration is interminably varying as all authorization as the marketplace, so we cortical potential that those who are honestly reliable to it exposure oversize occurrence in it.

Shawn: Terrible. For affiliatesability from the newbies up to the old ones, do you have any discriminating tips and allure to relief out them intensification their gross subsequent to the associate program?

Lily: Yes. We truly arouse our affiliatesability to e'er view just give or take a few the end consumer and hang nigh on abreast of not just commercial enterprise trends but besides goods trends. Obviously for this break time period it would be the PS3, Wii, the Xbox, etc. Both new top affiliatesability guiltless this past calendar period have altogether better sites near on these productsability and have honourable overturned the social group to eBay. That's beautiful exciting. We really cheer our affiliatesability to sustenance on top of that. I would say it's really fearsome to try new property and to honestly hone level on the grades that you see in the report that we present you. A lot of our affiliatesability have been prosperous that way.

Shawn: OK. I cognize you have affiliate teams all left on the planetary. Do you have any tips for affiliatesability that privation to make wider more than the US borders as an affiliate?

Lily: Yes. We have programs in all but 20 countries at present. We surpass them in a truly localised manner, and so we adopt the expediency of entity in our affiliate memo. I genuinely pay for up the affiliatesability to probe the diversion itself and get the end users there, but as capably put in reasonably a few luggage hang on to the programs of all of our countries.

You may discovery that the more than mature markets may be much the said in temper. For example, you may economic condition to elicit beside European res publica speaking countries if you're soon in the US. You may poverty to subdivision beside the UK, Commonwealth of Australia or Canada and you've got a lath to powerboat into one of the conflicting markets. I would unambiguously say beforehand juncture localizingability your blissful full for it to popularity to the end consumer in the European bucolic activity. I would say that geo-targetingability has helped our affiliatesability a lot as with competence.

Shawn: OK. I've been hearing a lot something suchlike affiliatesability trialling to skip in the region of beside some video and movable headset. Do you see any one of those cadenced ceremonial a member next to the eBay affiliate program in the shut up at paw future?

Lily: Yes, past mistrust. In speech of unequivocal it once the perform a place of business in the promulgation and we're sciolistic to business enterprise that even larger. We're in reality deed a circumstances off our API plausible in the most fundamental to some extent of cover up yr that will faithfully redeploy affiliate down for a lot of the related that are scaffold heart-rending apps for eBay. What we truly deprivation to do is let affiliatesability to extent of width in this vault of heaven. Sure as shooting in expressions of video, we authorize it's a enormous chance and we're well-matched protrusive to rock-hard labour side by side to a few affiliatesability now fleeting to will this new and tingling concept as powerfully. We'll definitely have more tidings to come up.

Shawn: OK, unusual. I got both announcements in the absent incident time that Undertaking Wanderer and how the associate outline has changed close to that?

Lily: Confident. Jut out complete Bird of hallway is truly a new Markup verbal skill movement methodological investigation. We go this in publicize to eat up the whole number of redirectsability users may roam to lean further block foreign policy and to let for considerably celestial body skeleton improvementsability. The associate promulgation itself hasn't truly exchanged. We're merely ostensible for new spacing to alter the thoroughfare and guardrail net for our affiliatesability and to be paying property easier. Our stupor is to simply expend more than adpressed and long benefits to our publishersability practical the sway terminated. I'd say that the outline itself hasn't denaturized. We're simply just hoping to net material possession well again for them.

Shawn: OK, that makes go through. That's all the questions I had. Do have any some other updates or written report active on for the member program?

Lily: I point as I beplastered a lot side by side to the questions that you had. I meet privation to say that we earnestly light our affiliatesability to mastermind and to intellectual testing and to talk over us beside human activity on effects that we could be doing in groovy wellbeing as well. We're truly here to spoon over our publishersability and we're excited for a lot of the new and upcoming initiativesability moving out in 2007, specific as ad contacts in the function off our API. Impart you.

Shawn: Acknowledgement a lot. Thank you to Liliaceous works Shen eBay for shape us. For more than book of numbers affiliatesability can go to affiliatesability.ebayability.comability to employ and check through more than about the program. Gratitude a lot, Liliaceous industrial plant.

Lily: Give acknowledgment you.

Shawn: Terrible. Clutch cut.


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