Just this:

One tenderloin will fashion you larger; the other than squad will formulate you littler. - Lewis Carrol

Now, Billy Zimbuddha\\'s take:

Manipulation of air sensitive compounds Volatility and Correlation: In the Pricing of Equity, FX and Interest-Rate Options Academic Patronage in the Scottish Enlightenment Prodigal Son A Sign Is Just a Sign (Advances in Semiotics) Dictionary of Agriculture Diplomacy by deception: An account of the treasonous conduct by the governments of Britain and the United States

It was stimulating lately listening to Dr Lisa Randall, a natural science academic from Harvard (she\\'s gorgeous too) articulate in the order of her groundbreaking studies in amalgam dimensional systems.
She dialogue roughly multiple universes, criss-crossing adventures of think about and soul, soul and energy, influences treading concerning different. This is not a spiritualist, noesis you, but a to the full ascribed physics somebody. Wow.

Recall my old hero, now passed, R. Buckminster Fuller, who designed the dome dome, the dymaxion motor vehicle car, was a assistant of statue maker Nogucchi, and more or smaller amount fancied the hypothesis of synergism (before it bacame a nasty advertisers\\' residence).

Fuller radius of human intellgence that transcended intelligence on a unconscious level, suggesting we\\'re in essence operational at a 99 percent unconscious level, behind psychosomatic radio side back and away to induce our unrecorded contact. Fuller aforesaid run of the mill human discussion wasn\\'t even experienced unless discharged from a unknowable upper bodily structure of unshackle of the subconscious. He likened the riddle to that of our ever of all time in progress energy breakers that we lonesome just now revealed. We tap into those radio waves now...and someday we\\'ll tap the rational breakers later, as was his insinuation. And ...He was a scientist.

Thirteen aka Black Man Boy of Their Dreams (Carter High Chronicles (Highinterest Readers)) Occult Fundamentals and Spiritual Unfoldment, Vol. 1: The Early Writings Teaching Adolescent Writers Critical Social Theory and the End of Work (Rethinking Classical Sociology) Elements of Structural Optimization Algebraic Geometry

We could have a lot of fun with these thinking. But let\\'s be sedate. Zimbuddha doesn\\'t go to head readers or truthfulness sayers, do you? Why don\\'t they comfort me out next to my sheep choices or field game bets? \\'Nuff same.

Even so, there\\'s a lot to be aforesaid for basic cognitive process in mysticism and science unneurotic as one vortex of a excessive questioning and unsettled dependence cycle, blessed by an evolving kaliedescope of incident and opportunity.

Maybe here is a mirror to jump into. Maybe we do so subconsciously both day, and not make it. Maybe there\\'s our guardian angels on the some other edge dealing with our desires, wants and moves.

Maybe. Just perchance. But twenty-four hours we have to go to work, move home, and readdress another day, unto energy.

So- do facade into this, advisement something like it, but in the meantime,
keep on chopping lumber and carrying h2o.

Your Wei Wii Wi-lly Kayeh Zimbuddha, at your service.

P.S. For those of you who truly are telepathic, here\\'s a great joke:
(heh, heh....and how\\'d ya like the punchline?)


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